Native Californian, Nicole Murray Rameriz has dedicated over 40 years to the Latino community, LGBT community, public service and social justice for all people. A charity and non-profit leader in raising funds and awareness for those in need throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. Currently a San Diego Human Rights Commissioner, Ramirez’s charity work has been recognized by countless awards and honors including:
Cesar Chavez Social Justice Award – Presented by Cesar’s widow, Helen Chavez
The first Latino Unity Coalition’s Lifetime Achievement Award for San Diego County
Honorary Texan Awarded by Texas Governor Ann Richards
Nicole is the former Chair of Equality California, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the City of San Diego Human Relations Commission among many other organizations.
Rameriz is the founder of numerous community projects and funds including the San Diego County Hate Crimes Fund,  administered by Crime Stoppers, the Eddie Conlon Youth Fund, San Diego County Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast, Toys for Kids Drive , GLBT Community’s Tijuana Blanket Drive, the Toni Atkins’ Women’s Health Fund, the International Jose Julio Sarria Civil Rights Awards of the United States, Mexico and Canada, the Ben Dillingham III Community Fund and the Annual Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Nicole’s long time and ongoing leadership and guidance of the International Court System has helped make that organization one of the longest lasting community and social support groups from within the LGBT community.