In the 30th year after the assassination of Harvey Milk, Diversionary Theatre commissioned a tribute to the civil rights activist. Dear Harvey, directed by Dan Kirsch, premiered on April 19, 2009 to critical acclaim.
……………………………………………………………………….“…an inspiring, edifying, enlightening and sometimes amusing evening…”
Pat Launer: Spotlight on Theater, www.sdnn.com
“The play is not only the story of Milk, but of his legacy, and the changes that have happened since his assassination that acknowledge his death wasn’t in vain. It’s an important piece of history, an inspirational story and engaging theater.”
Jennifer Chung Klam: San Diego Arts
Tom Ammiano

Contact Patricia Loughrey at info@patricialoughrey.com

“If the government is ever going to be returned to the people, it will only be returned when the people demand it. When the people throw off the political machines, the public relations speeches, and the crumbs thrown to keep you quiet…”
Gay Rights Activist and Nephew of Harvey Milk
“…it was one of his innermost values, – that you just don’t diminish people.”
Plaintiff in the California Supreme Court Lawsuit, Tyler v. County of LA – the Same-Sex Marriage Case
“Harvey Milk was a great gay visionary whose politics extended way beyond the gay community. He was progressive, he was daring, he was unapologetic, he was forceful and he was right, most of the time.”